Cooking Up a Change

Starting this blog was a very symbolic moment for me – it marks the beginning of my new life. For too long, I have done things the “right” way, the “normal” way (ok, maybe not exactly normal) and held myself back out of fear of failure. True, I’ve made many changes throughout my life – like the year I threw my stuff in the back of the car and moved cross country from California to Virginia, without having a job or a place to live once I got there. True, I have done some unexpected things in my life – such as going from graduating with a Mathematics major from U.C. Berkeley (itself unexpected) to volunteering with a Microfinance initiative in Thailand for three months. But I have never believed in myself enough to truly do things my own way and go after my true passion.

That passion is food.

Making, eating, buying, thinking about, reading about, and dreaming about food. If I had my way, that is all I would ever do. As I told a good friend recently, “I could think about food all day and never get bored”. And that is just what I am setting out to do.

I am re-engineering my lifeĀ  so that I can do what I do best, and enjoy most. I am taking that blind leap of faith to change my life. This blog will be a significant part of that journey. I welcome you to follow along with me in my journey and witness my trials and errors, my joy and sadness, and my discoveries along the way. Hopefully I can inspire some of you along the way to follow your passion and make that leap yourselves… whatever that may be.